Whispers in the Shadows: A Haunted Night

 On a stormy night, Alex found himself standing on a desolate country road. The rain pounded mercilessly as he sought shelter in an old, abandoned house looming at the edge of the woods. The door creaked ominously as he pushed it open, revealing a dusty, dimly lit hallway. Shadows danced on the walls, and the air was thick with the scent of mildew.

As he stepped inside, he felt a chill run down his spine. The floorboards groaned under his weight, echoing through the empty house. He noticed an old portrait hanging crookedly on the wall. The eyes of the woman in the painting seemed to follow him as he moved.

Suddenly, a cold breeze brushed past him, though all the windows were shut. The temperature dropped sharply, and Alex's breath became visible. He heard whispers, faint but unmistakable, coming from the upstairs room. Curiosity and dread compelled him to investigate.

Slowly, he ascended the creaking staircase, each step heightening the sense of impending doom. At the top, a door stood ajar, revealing a faint, flickering light. As he approached, the whispers grew louder, now clearly speaking his name. "Alex... Alex..."

He pushed the door open and gasped. The room was filled with antique furniture, covered in dust, but in the center stood a young woman, her eyes hollow and her skin as pale as moonlight. She pointed to a journal on the table, her voice echoing in his mind, "Find the truth."

With trembling hands, Alex opened the journal. It detailed the tragic story of a family who once lived there, plagued by a malevolent spirit. The last entry read: "The spirit cannot rest until justice is done."

Suddenly, the woman began to fade, and the whispers intensified. "Free me, Alex. Free me..." In the final seconds, a chilling realization hit him—he was the spirit's next target unless he could uncover the truth and set her free. The house seemed to close in around him, and the temperature plummeted further, leaving Alex with one final, desperate mission.

To Be Continue....


  1. Acchi hai...chidna nahi kabhi likhna....next part ka wait rhega...

  2. Noice bro waiting for next part


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